Let’s talk running

Remember two weeks ago I spoke about running the Crazy Store Table Mountain Challenge?

Well, firstly let me say this:

If climbing a trillion and three steps, or bouldering aren’t your thing… I wouldn’t recommend it.


If gorgeous views, running through waterfalls, across extruding tree roots and uneven terrain with a 2 Litre hydration pack on your back is, then it’s definitely something to scribble onto that bucket list!

Although the temperature was pretty hot out on the mountain and each Km felt more tough and strenuous than the last, I had such a good time and can’t wait to do it again next year! Maybe even just for the jol at the finish line.

Now that Crazy Store is over, next order of business is the 94.5KFM Gun Run on 14 October. I must be honest and say I haven’t put in nearly enough mileage on the road for this race so it’ll be an interesting day! I also miss not getting texts from my Knysna half marathon training buddy saying, “Run this evening? Promenade?

Training alone has it’s pro’s and cons but it really helps having someone to chat to when your brain is tired of talking to itself. So I’m actually thinking of joining a running club in the hope that:

a) It’ll motivate me get out onto the road more

b) Meet more people in the running community -> which will lead back to a)

At the moment my two options are Acsis VOB and AAC

Any recommendations??






It Only Makes You Stronger…

Phew! Where to begin…

This week (and last week for that matter), have been quite busy training-wise. I said in a previous post that I thought it was time to up the ante at gym and let me tell you…its left me shattered- but in the best way possible! So far Pippa and myself have been to 3 tough sessions at Transfit

In one of them we basically did an hour (no recovery!) of bodyweight exercises mixed with cardio. To say that things got dark for me during that hour would be an understatement. But don’t worry I won’t afflict you with the gory details.

Jeannie D’s trainer actually gave us a similar workout to what he puts her through before she has a big shoot! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod….. Now I know why she looks so phenomenal!

The point of this post actually was to talk about yoga. Yes.

I signed up (together with my friend Vanessa) for a month of unlimited classes at Jai Yoga studio. What a great place! I’m so glad I found it. Everything inside is white (Like, everything!). There’s just the most amazing calm, serene atmosphere that I find soothing and relaxing.

They offer mostly hot yoga- Bikram and hot Vinyasa, which we both luuuuurve! but they also do non-heated Ashtanga classes as well as Yoga Nidra which is like really deep meditation (I went to a Nidra class last night and almost fell asleep it was so calming).

So in between gyming in the mornings before 7am, I’m trying to cram as many yoga classes into the month as I can. I’ve been to 3 so far this week and hoping to fit in another 3 depending on how my arms feel because right now they feel like absolute jelly from push-ups and chaturanga’s.

My reasoning though is that if it doesn’t kill you… it only makes you ?

Trail Running in Tokai

6am Sunrise in Tokai Forest

I woke up at 5 O’clock on Saturday to a misty, blustery wet morning and had major thoughts about just curling deeper under my warm feather duvet… ’cause that’s what normal people do, right? The First Ascent Trail run was starting at 06h30 and I’d committed earlier in the week to running it. The things I get myself into!

It’s been a good two years since the last time my trail shoes came face to face with so much mud! I laugh thinking back to how squeamish I used to be about getting wet and muddy but as my ex boyfriend would always say,
“It’s not trail running if you don’t jump in the puddles!” I have to say, the boy was right…There’s nothing quite like bounding your way through mountain streams, dodging big loose stones and having mud splattered all up your legs while witnessing the sun rise on an early Spring morning. I would go so far as to say it’s probably one of the best things about living in Cape Town; being able to go for early morning runs in the mountains.

The route snaked its way through the Tokai forest, up above the surrounding vineyards of what I think was either Buitenverwachting or Klein Constantia? I must say the first 7 or 8km were quite undulating with more ups than downs, but what made the entire run so much fun was that I was running with two friends and we chatted the WHOLE time which really took my mind off the never-ending uphills! My intention wasn’t to get a certain time, but just to enjoy the general vibe- get some endorphins for the day and give my legs a little wake-up call after their long holiday in lazy-land.

I thought I’d be uber stiff on Sunday…considering I hadn’t run anything close to 15km in many many, many months- but I think yoga has definitely helped in this regard. Yayy! At least I know something’s working!! So, after Saturday’s glorious run and the fact that it’s almost summer… I’ve now become more motivated to get off my beeee-hind, lace up my running shoes and hit the road (or trail!)

Here’s to sweaty summery runs! And being able to indulge in more peanut butter

(Wait, did I just say that out loud?!)

Get Fit The Boxer’s Way

To view this post on the Wellness Warehouse website- click here

Vanessa and our instructor Jongi on the "rooftop gym"

There’s something a little out of the ordinary about being on the open rooftop of an inner city building in your workout clothes, a pair of boxing gloves at your feet and a big black man with biceps the sizes of wine barrels singing the words to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Yesterday afternoon I joined my friends Vanessa and Ilze for a private boxing lesson-something I’ve been promising to do for ages. Having chatted to Vanessa about it for some time, I sort of knew what to expect…but I don’t think my arms did!

We met on the rooftop that adjoins popular Cape Town bar, Tjing Tjing. It was actually the perfect “outdoor gym”. A slight breeze helped in cooling us down throughout the workout and the open space enabled a large area to move around. And move around we did! 

After getting our hands and knuckles bound by our instructor, Jongi Kamko, we donned our gloves and got ready for action. It was at this stage of the session that I felt a small surge of adrenaline rush through my veins.

Jongi took me aside and explained some of the key techniques of boxing. Although a lot of people think that it’s easy to put on a pair of gloves and box, one really needs to be taught the right footing, arm movement and face protection if one wants to do it properly and get the best workout.

Ilze has been boxing for years, so it was no surprise to see her jabbing and moving and pounding away like a pro.

“Have you fought before?” asked Jongi looking at me. Fight? Me? All 5ft2 of me? I laughed.

“No”, I said “look at me, I’m a pathetically small”.

With that, he began to show me how to jab and throw a real punch.

“Power! Show me power!” he shouted.

“Pah…Pah…Pah” he urged me with each loud thwack that hit his blocking pads.

And so it went, moving and jabbing. Left-Right- Left-Right. One- Two- One-Two. Faster and faster. More jabs, this time eight in a row...pah-pah-pah-pah-pah-pah-pah-pah!

It may sound silly to say but once you get into the rhythm, it feels as if some other force has take over your body and strange kind of killer instinct emerges.

Sweat started to drip from my brow and I could feel the thumping in my chest. Boxing is serious cardio and some of the fittest athletes in the world happen to be boxers. Their endurance and strength is something to be revered.

We finished the session with some ab work- crunches and sit-ups, and then a few arm exercises which looked much easier than they were. We had to hold our arms out straight to the sides in line with our shoulders and flick our fingers in and out like ‘twinkling’ stars.

I don’t think I’ll be facing Baby Jake anytime soon -but after yesterday’s experience, boxing has very quickly made its way onto my list of new favourite workouts!

A bit about our instructor: Jongi, a world class boxer in his own right, runs a boxing school in Khayelitsha called Grassroots Boxing Academy where he coaches youngsters and infuses them with his passion for the sport. For lessons you can contact Jongi on 084 849 5147 (He’s really not as scary as he looks!!)


I.  Am.  Beat!

This week has taken it out of me and today has just escalated to a point where I just need to stop…Take a breath.  And collapse onto my couch (and stay there!)

Following a week full of exams (Mon-Fri), my brain feels like mush, but it doesn’t end there, because my body is also writhing in pain after recovering from an extremely demanding 6am session at Transfit.

 My word!

I must have been made to do about 500 burpees (no, make that 1000!) And it was only an hour! Imagine how Pat Farmer must be feeling every second of every day?!!!

If this man isn’t a true inspiration, then I don’t know what is!

Happy Friday !
